Focus: vocabulary development
Quick writes (short writing tasks) are a great way to support reluctant or underachieving students to feel successful as writers and offer all students a variety in their writing programme. Refer to Chapter 5 of The Writing Book.
Humpback whale – Blank
Purpose: activate prior knowledge and work collaboratively to generate specific vocabulary. Use this template, model labelling a detail in the image using appropriate vocabulary (see page 114 of The Writing Book).
Students can work in pairs or in groups to label the blank template.
Humpback whale – Labelled example
Purpose: to review and improve vocabulary
Students can use the labelled example to review their labelled diagram and edit and add new information.
The Label it - Quick write activity template
Focus: Students can use this template to publish their work.
Focus: vocabulary development
Includes: two retelling talking strips
Focus: retelling
Focus: vocabulary development