Workshop - An introduction to shared reading (Juniors)

$ 350.00 NZD incl GST


Workshop - An introduction to shared reading - Juniors
(90 minutes on demand)

Staff meeting workshop - 2 week licence

Please CONTACT US if you wish to purchase an individual viewing licence ($35 per person).


Shared reading is a high-impact instructional approach that can be used to explicitly teach reading skills and strategies.  It provides opportunities for direct instruction of the reading process, teaching vocabulary and extended discussion.  Shared reading lessons are easy to plan and deliver and are very engaging for students.


Aims of the workshop:

  • to revisit the big ideas about shared reading
  • to review the reading skills we teach younger students
  • to explore opportunities for talk in shared reading
  • to unpack the suggested model for teaching shared reading and explore a range of high impact activities.



This workshop purchase is for a group licence for one school/site. To access the workshop and handouts, log in via our website The workshop is available to watch for two weeks from the date of purchase and can be viewed multiple times, with the ability to rewind and fast forward. Viewing of the workshop is only available on our website. 



This licence is valid for one individual school site and may be viewed multiple times in the two-week period.
Please contact for information if you intend screening it to a wider audience.

By viewing this workshop, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.
You may not:

sell or in any way profit from this workshop

claim this workshop as your own

record, copy, store or distribute this workshop or any part of this workshop on any website where others are able to electronically retrieve it, for example, Dropbox, Facebook, or slide-sharing sites

share log in details and access to the workshop.

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