Early bird available until 10 June


Are you a beginning teacher?

Join us to meet and learn alongside other early-career teachers.


This comprehensive series of workshops is practical and research based and will support you to plan a manageable and effective writing programme. It is suitable for New Zealand and Australian teachers in their first or second year of teaching and aligns with the New Zealand and Australian curriculums.


Learning will be differentiated at two levels:

Australian teachers: Foundation - Year 2 (juniors) and Years 3­–6 (seniors)

New Zealand teachers: New entrants­ - Year 3 (juniors) and Years 4–8 (seniors)



The programme will run on the Zoom platform and consist of a combination of five live online workshops and three pre-recorded on-demand workshops over a period of 12 weeks. You will join Sheena and Louise for the live sessions that are available at two different times and watch the on- demand workshops at your leisure. Live online workshops will provide opportunities to interact with Sheena and Louise and other teachers through breakout room discussions and the chat facility.

The programme will commence on Thursday 25th July and finish on Thursday 12th September 2024.


You will receive a downloadable learning log to document your learning and record your goals, reflections and actions. At the end of the programme, you will receive a certificate showing the hours of professional learning you have attended. This can be used as evidence for teacher registration.


Click here for a programme and more information.


"I would recommend this workshop to any beginning teacher. I find teaching writing hard, especially for so many needs in the classroom. These workshops have helped me make writing exciting and easy for me to create my own lessons expanding on the ideas from the workshops. The skills and techniques are clear and simplified. I really enjoyed these workshops" - quote from teacher.


"The deliberate acts of teaching shown throughout the workshops has given me confidence to be more explicit when implementing the writing lessons, with emphasis on setting/communicating the success criteria, so the students understand what is required, and the task is measurable" - quote from teacher. 

Average rating for Teaching writing: A professional learning workshop series for beginning teachers

Early bird available until 10 June

4.8 / 5.0 from 290 reviews

Location: Online 10-week course - beginning Thursday

Date: Thu, 25th July 2024

Time: 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Login here or register below.
Prices in NZD (incl GST)

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