Includes: a three page resource containing activities for using the Question dice and Detail dice.
Focus: questioning and identifying evidence in texts, and adding detail to writing
Building complex sentences -Slide presentation mini-lesson
Focus: Learn how to build complex sentences by adding conjunctions (Refer to The Writing Book, Chapter 4: Teaching the Skills Toolkit, page 75).
Complex sentence – Conjunction card 1
Purpose: Students can use this resource to practise adding a range of conjunctions to sentences, building complex sentences.
Complex sentences – Wall display
Purpose: This is a display resource.
Thanks to Bairds Mainfreight School (Auckland) for the great idea.
Check out The Poetry Book for more great sentence activities.
Includes: a three page resource containing activities for using the Question dice and Detail dice.
Focus: questioning and identifying evidence in texts, and adding detail to writing
Focus: using interesting and thought-provoking images to motivate students for writing
Includes: a Word-building template and an exemplar
Focus: adding affixes to base words