Students think of a memory and write about it in a poem.

The memory could be about:

  • a special event
  • a happy family time
  • the year or term at school
  • fun memories with a special person
  • or just a collection of memories about a particular theme.


The poem starts with:
In my memory box I will put …
The poems will be more interesting if students add detail to each of their memories.
For example: In my memory box I will put the sound of soft waves creeping up the beach, covering my toes with fizzing cool water.
If the students want to write a few stanzas, each one can start with In my memory box I will put followed by two or three memories.


You could share the beautiful story by Mem Fox: Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge.

Here is a link to a reading of the book on You Tube:


Here is a link to an animation created by a class of The Magic Box by Kit Wright:


Follow this link to listen to a student sharing his rainforest poem:


Poems can be written on paper and stored inside a small box.

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Useful links and resources to support The Writing Book.


PLEASE NOTE: This page does not include the downloadable resources for The Writing Book. If you have purchased the book, use the log in on the title page to access the resources.

Useful links and resources to support The Poetry Book


PLEASE NOTE: This page does not include the downloadable resources for The Poetry Book. If you have purchased the book, use the log in on the title page to access the resources.

Useful links and resources to support The Reading Book.


PLEASE NOTE: This page does not include the downloadable resources for The Reading Book. If you have purchased the book, use the log in on the title page to access the resources.

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