Useful links and resources to support The Oral Language Book.
PLEASE NOTE: This page does not include the downloadable resources for The Oral Language Book. If you have purchased the book, use the log in on the title page to access the resources.
This activity supports students to retell a story. Cut out each part of the narrative and laminate. Students can lay the path out and stand on each tile to retell the story.
For more ideas for retelling, see our on demand workshop Using retelling to support comprehension, oral language and writing.
Useful links and resources to support The Oral Language Book.
PLEASE NOTE: This page does not include the downloadable resources for The Oral Language Book. If you have purchased the book, use the log in on the title page to access the resources.
Useful links and resources to support The Poetry Book
PLEASE NOTE: This page does not include the downloadable resources for The Poetry Book. If you have purchased the book, use the log in on the title page to access the resources.
Useful links and resources to support The Reading Book.
PLEASE NOTE: This page does not include the downloadable resources for The Reading Book. If you have purchased the book, use the log in on the title page to access the resources.