Useful links and resources to support The Oral Language Book.
PLEASE NOTE: This page does not include the downloadable resources for The Oral Language Book. If you have purchased the book, use the log in on the title page to access the resources.
Use the Partner ping-pong activity from The Oral Language Book (page 41) to support students to generate ideas or vocabulary on a topic.
In pairs, students have turns at saying one thing each. They continue until one person cannot think of a new idea.
Topics could include:
Check out The Oral Language Book for more great talk ideas.
Useful links and resources to support The Oral Language Book.
PLEASE NOTE: This page does not include the downloadable resources for The Oral Language Book. If you have purchased the book, use the log in on the title page to access the resources.
Useful links and resources to support The Reading Book.
PLEASE NOTE: This page does not include the downloadable resources for The Reading Book. If you have purchased the book, use the log in on the title page to access the resources.
Useful links and resources to support The Writing Book.
PLEASE NOTE: This page does not include the downloadable resources for The Writing Book. If you have purchased the book, use the log in on the title page to access the resources.