Includes: PDF of Self-check and Partner-check signs in te reo Maori
Focus: identifying a focus for proofreading (self-check) and recrafting writing based on the success criteria (Partner-check)
This is a translation of PM63 in The Reading Book. The self-monitoring chart is a visual model to introduce the cueing system to students. It can be used to model and practise self-monitoring during shared and guided reading and is applicable for students at all stages of learning to read. Refer to pages 72 and 81 in The Reading Book for an example of teaching this in shared reading.
Thanks to Ani Crawford for adapting this resource.
Includes: PDF of Self-check and Partner-check signs in te reo Maori
Focus: identifying a focus for proofreading (self-check) and recrafting writing based on the success criteria (Partner-check)
Focus: end of year memories
Includes: That’s a wrap template
Focus: using similes and metaphors to create a poem about the moon